How to succeed

March 21, 2024

TLDR: What you need to know

  • The way to accomplish any goal, is by improving 0.01% every single day.
  • Motivation does not persist. The only way to improve every day, for long enough to reach your goal is through education.
  • Education means knowing why something matters, how to do it, and then discovering for yourself that this new way is actually better for you.
  • This lifestyle switch, is what the Ray Wu MD program is all about.

Ray's Take

Succeeding in feeling more youthful, living longer, having better cholesterol, getting stronger, or getting a 6 pack all follows the same process and has the same issue.

Whats the process?
- Know where you are starting
- Know your ideal goal
- Improve by 0.01% every day

Lets use getting a 6 pack as an example.

Know where you are starting
This is easy. You can just look in the mirror. Bonus points for taking a photo of yourself in the mirror (and please send all of these to us!).

Know your ideal goal
This is easy. I want a 6 pack.

Improve by 0.01% per day
This is also "easy." I put quotes around this bc its easy, but only if you know what i mean.

If your ideal goal is to get a 6 pack, your daily goal is to reduce your body fat, every single day.

That means that as I wake up this morning, my goal is to have a lower body fat when I go to sleep tonight than I do now. This is the significance of 0.01%. It's not a real number or metric that you have to shoot for. It literally signifies that I did the things today, to make my body fat lower than it was when I woke up. If you do this every single day, you will get a 6 pack - 100% chance. It doesn't matter if you improved your actual body fat by 0.00001% or 0.1%. As long as you are improving, you will reach your goal.

So why is this challenging?
It can take longer than we want. Most people stop improving every day before they reach their goal.

Why would they stop?
- They don't know what to do (lack of education)
- They lose motivation (it's too hard to do what they need to do)

Most people already know their goals. They want to be healthier, live longer, and look better. The core of our program, is to enable people to improve 0.01% every single day, in the areas they care about, through education.

For getting a 6 pack, the education lies in how to eat sustainably while losing fat.

For areas like heart disease and lower cholesterol, the education lies in understanding why high ApoB matters, and how taking a medication lowers ApoB, and thus your risk of heart disease.

In the 6 pack case, you eat right every day to improve 0.01% daily.

In the heart disease case, you take your medication every day to improve by 0.01% daily.

In both cases, you put this on autopilot.
*This is really important and why we recommend [finding something you like, and doing it over and over. No need to change]

You eventually reach your goal.


Knowledge over motivation
Our experience tells us that motivation is impossible to keep "high" for a long period of time.

Our anecdote to this is education. For losing fat, we want to teach you what to eat, so it is really easy, tasty, and filling to eat less calories than you burn. Thus it requires little motivation to improve body fat 0.01% per day.

If you have to actually "try" by eating foods you don't think taste good, while being hungry, and feeling like you are missing out, you'll never succeed. This is why typical calorie counting, point counting, restrictive diets always fail. People can be motivated to lose the weight, but they gain it back nearly 100% of the time.

We think differently.

We teach you about the why you are doing something, how to do it, and then leave it up to you to find out for yourself that this new way is actually better for you, forever.

This turns into a lifestyle change, which allows you to sustain your 0.01% improvement every day.

Then you wake up one day, and you have reached your goal. At this point, you can keep going, or maintain.

It's that simple.

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