5 - Exercise

Exercise is more powerful than any drug. Get started no matter your schedule or access to equipment.

Action items

  • Understand the value of each type of exercise and how to train:
Exercise Value How to Train
Strength Build muscle to look better Weight lifting: 6-30 reps for 10+ sets per week
Low intensity cardio Improve metabolic and cardiovascular health to prevent disease Jog, bike, swim, row: As much as you can, 2+ hours a week
High Intensity training Improve peak fitness and longevity for living longer Sprint, bike, swim, row: At least 6 minutes of all-out effort per week
Any of the above! Lift weights, run, bike, etc to feel better Don't overthink: Start this week!
  • Start (or continue) your exercise program this week. Do so by picking something you think you will enjoy, and do it.
  • Don't over-stress. The most important thing is simply doing something, anything.
  • Track every single workout you complete by adding it to your My Program stream. This is required to make progress.
  • You do not need to do everything or complicate things too much. If you aren't sure, you can ask RayAI for help on a weekly plan, a single workout, or any other questions.
  • Know where you can find more resources

Ray's take

Remember, exercise is more powerful than any drug. It is essential to reaching your best health, even if you don't care about aesthetics.

The first thing to do, is to truly understand the value of exercise. If you're not convinced yet, you can read this article, which gives a simple overview.

The next thing, is to assess what you want to do, your current experience, how much time you have to exercise, and what equipment you have access to.

If you already have an idea of what you want to do, then you should totally start with that. We have a ton of articles on my favorite exercises, and how I exercises too.

If you need help starting, you can give your details to RayAI, and get help creating a workout plan! Just tell him your details and ask. He's been trained on all of our exercise articles.

Of note, it's really important to track your workouts. You can do so on our app. I also hashtag the specific exercise I do such as "#chest, #zone2, #HIIT." Tagging your exercises makes it really easy to search and view the history of your workouts.

Add your first workout with #exercise after you do it!

What I do

I have a simple strength program. I bench, squat, and deadlift. I write down what I did. That's all that really matters.

For fun or in between or after sets, I might do some pull-ups or use TRX, but this is really just for fun.

Through just keeping it simple, and writing down my numbers, I got to a bench press of 295 lbs, squat of 340 lbs, deadlift of 460 lbs, 5 sets of 34 pull-ups (while weighing ~150 lbs).

I don't have amazing genetics. My main advantage is that I love exercise so I make time for it.

  • I love lifting
  • I love tennis
  • I love sprinting with my dog Bailey
  • I do not love cardio (so i don't do it much, other than tennis)

Sample week
Monday - Bench and tennis
Tuesday - Squat and zone 2 on peloton
Wednesday - Tennis only
Thursday - Bench and tennis
Friday - Tennis only
Saturday - Deadlift
Sunday - Go to beach and sprints with dog (go all out 6-10 times for fun. Bailey loves it).

More of what I do for assessments, nutrition, exercise, and more here.

Additional resources

If you are motivated to go beyond the basic principles now, this article is a great start.

We have so many articles on exercise, and are always adding more. You can find them in the resources tab under the "Exercise" category.

Concierge vs app

Concierge Experience App Experience
Explain the value of the different types of exercise. Read "Start - exercise" in the app or website (link)
Offer customized exercise program based on available time and resources. Ask RayAI for exercise program based on available time and resources.
Highlight the importance of workout tracking for progress monitoring. Check in your first (and every) workout on the app with #exercise.

Still want the concierge experience? Apply here

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