
March 21, 2024

Ray's Take

Deadlifts are one of the best exercises you can do:
- Compound movement
- Kinetic chain is basically the entire body -> from feet through lower leg, upper leg, hips, core, back, shoulders, arms, forearms, hands)
- The best exercise for back muscles, zero doubt 100%
- The exercise you can move the most weight
- The exercise you can do for a long time and keep improving (and see benefits from improving)

You have to learn to do it right:
- It's a more complicated movement than you might think, bc many joints and muscles need to work together to do the movement correctly.
- If you have poor technique, it means part of your kinetic chain did not do its job, and is not getting strong. Worse yet, it can cause injury.
- If you can learn how to do it, and improve, you'll be stronger at everything else in life. It also often cures back pain paradoxically.

Deadlift vs squat:
- Can move more weight with deadlift
- Gets more upper body
- Gets more back
- Uses more hamstring

- Start with 5-10 sets of 8 reps per week. (Can be all on one day or on two or three days).
- Beginners should start with weight that seems pretty easy.
- Everyone must track their workouts and progress.

Stupid Ideas

stupid ideas
Stupid idea: I don't want to deadlift (with no good reason)
RW response: Deadlift is one of the best exercises for you, period. I'd rate it #1. It is a compound movement, meaning it works multiple large muscle groups. Deadlift in particular is probably the best, bc its the exercise you can lift the most weight, which allows you to progress and get stronger and stronger with just this one exercise.

Stupid idea: Lifting too much weight, too soon
RW response: Please please please learn the right technique. Lower the weight until you can do it perfectly. Then do 3 sets of 8-10 and add 10 lbs next time. Do this....forever. It doesn't matter if you start with 65 lbs. That's actually better bc you can improve longer before you hit a plateau.

Stupid idea: I don't want to gain size
RW response: It's really hard to gain size. I can deadlift over 2x my weight and I don't think I've gained size in 10 years. It's also hard to gain size as you get older. You want stronger muscles and bigger muscles as you get older. In addition, if you really want to optimize for strength and not size, just aim for 4-5 reps. Bodybuilding requires at least 6 more like 8-10 reps per set to gain size.

Stupid idea: I want to gain size (but I don't want to do deadlift)
RW response: Deadlift is literally the best exercise, along with squat, for building size. When you do compound movements, with high intensity, your body produces testosterone, which increases strength and size. Deadlift is the best way to do this bc you can do more reps with more weight.

Stupid idea: I don't want to hurt my back.
RW response: You won't, if you learn the right technique.

How to deadlift

- Choose a weight that will be easy. I suggest 65 lbs which is the bar with a 10 lb plate on both sides. Use a full sized plate so the bar is off the ground.

- Start with feet slightly closer then shoulder width apart
- Toes are straight forward or slightly pointing outward
- Hands wider than feet.
- Grip overhand grip with both hands. Can later switch to one overhand and one underhand (this is what I do on heavy weights).
-Turn chest toward forward wall and butt facing toward behind wall. This straightens back. Back should be perfectly straight IE neutral.
- Tense your entire body (IE all force should go to moving the bar with no extra slack meaning the first movement you make will move the bar up)
- Push through your feet and pull the bar up.
- Keep back flat the entire time
- Stop when your knees are fully extended
- Drop the weight in a controlled manner along the same path as you lifted (keep back straight the entire time)
- Repeat

Pro tip:

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